Paragon System Coming In 1.0.4

Now you may have already heard that Legendary items in Diablo 3 will be receiving Unique changes in patch 1.0.4. In addition to item changes, Blizzard will be introducing an end game progression system called the Paragon System. This new system will be put in place to address Magic Find issues as well as to give players an incentive to play their characters beyond level 60.

Information On The Paragon System
The new Paragon system coming in patch 1.0.4 is designed to address Magic Find gear-swapping while providing players who’ve reached level 60 with an extended progression system.

Here’s how it works:

- After you hit level 60, any further experience you earn from killing monsters will begin to count toward Paragon levels
- There are 100 Paragon levels
Every Paragon level will reward you with:

- Core stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality in amounts similar to what you’d gain from a normal level
- 3% Magic Find and 3% Gold Find
In addition, a distinctive increasingly-impressive border will surround your character portrait in the in-game party frame to denote your Paragon progression, with a new frame earned after every ten levels. Your Paragon level will also be visible to other players wherever your normal level is shown.

This system is the best idea Blizzard has come up with since Diablo 3 was released in May. My biggest issue with D3 was that there was no reason to play after hitting Level 60 and beating Inferno. The item hunt was just not enough to keep my interest in the game. However with the Paragon System players can continue to play their character and obtain permanent Core Stat boosts as well as permanent Gold Find and Magic Find increases with each Paragon level that they achieve.

Reaching the upper Paragon Levels will take as much time to achieve as getting a Level 1 character to Level 99 took in Diablo 2 (A very long time if you've never played Diablo 2). To help you Level Up in the Paragon System more quickly, each stack of Nephalem Valor will now grant a 15% XP Bonus to your character for a maximum of 75% XP Bonus.

The Paragon System will bring many Diablo 3 players back to the game as there is now a way to improve characters aside from obtaining better gear. With PvP coming in the future, players will have an incentive to beat out their friends in gaining a higher Paragon Level as it will translate into increased stats to better their characters. I know I will be playing again once 1.0.4 is released, what about you?

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